A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Cannabis Certification


In 2018, 136,000+ patients across the state of Florida received certification to purchase medical marijuana. There is still an abundance of states in the US that have not legalized the use of cannabis, whether for medical reasons or not.

Various states around the US have either legalized (medically & recreationally) or decriminalized the use of cannabis. If you live in a state that allows the legal use of medical marijuana, some steps must be taken to obtain a medical card which can then be used to receive a prescription from your doctor and pharmacist.

Here is a step-by-step guide to getting your cannabis certification:

Identify If You Qualify

Deciding if you’re eligible is the first step, and while most eligibility varies from state to state, they have the same general qualifications:

  • You must be 18 or older or a minor with a caregiver

  • A legal resident of the state you reside in

  • Have been diagnosed with a qualifying condition that requires cannabis as a treatment

  • Practioner certified recommendation.

Illness’ That Qualify

The list of conditions that allow someone to qualify for a card isn’t long. You might not see your exact ailment on this list, but your healthcare provider will provide you the information. Here are the common conditions that qualify one for a medical cannabis certification:

  • Anorexia

  • Epilepsy

  • Wasting syndrome

  • Severe pain

  • Severe nausea

  • Seizures

  • Chrons Disease


  • Severe or persistent muscle spasms

  • Glaucoma

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

Healthcare Certified Document

After a thorough face-to-face assessment, your healthcare provider must complete a written certification form. This along with the medical patient marijuana certification form and personal documents such as:

  • A government-issued ID

  • Passport Photograph

  • Proof of residency

  • Application fee

  • Identification of a caregiver (if a minor)

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Choose a Dispensary

Once a written certification is complete, you are officially ready to purchase marijuana from a licensed dispensary.

You will need to bring your certification along with an ID card. The first purchase must take place 4 months from the time your certification is issued or it will need to be replaced. 

Get an ID Card

This step is optional but very helpful when visiting a dispensary. If you would prefer to not carry around your certificate and an extra ID, a state cannabis ID card is just as fine. This card replaces your patient ID, certification, and more, and makes the buying process smoother.

Cannabis Card Renewal

These cards are only valid for a year which is shorter than it sounds. Renewing your card is a much simpler process and takes no more than 45-50 days. Card renewals can be done online or can be mailed into your health care provider. 

Cannabis Certified

Once you complete all these steps you are certified to start your treatment with the use of cannabis. The process is long and takes time and effort but worth it for a fuller healthier life that aids your ailment.

Visit the rest of our blog to read about the many benefits of cannabis.