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They offer electronic cigarette kits: Aspire Premium, Carbon Spinner III Vape Starter, EGO II Twist MEGA 2200mah, The Vullet Vape pen, UGO-V E-Cig Vape Pen, ECT X.Fir II, EGO CE4 Vape Pen, EGO Diamond Jewel, EGO H5 Ecig, EGO Twist 1100mah, EVOD MT3 E-Cig, Innokin iTaste VV 3.0, iTaste CLK Ecig.

EGO II Twist MEGA 2200mah Starter Kit
They offer wax pen kits for use wuth wax concentrates and thick oils, herbal vaporizers to use with herbs and flowers.
Box mods: Athena 60w TC Wood, Cloupor t8 150w Mod, iTaste MVP20W, Innokin iTaste MVP 3.0, eVic VTC Mini 75w Kit, Eleaf iStick TC60w TC, Eleaf iStick 20 Watt, Kanger Dripbox.
Atomizer types: Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers, Rebuildable Atomizers with tanks, rebuildable tank atomizers.