What’s the Best Way to Use CBD Oil? 6 Popular Ways to Take CBD

best way to use cbd oil

As it’s becoming legal in more and more states, CBD is rapidly growing in popularity.

There are a variety of benefits associated with the substance. Not only does it help to ease the effects of anxiety and depression, it provides physical pain relief as well.

Maybe you’re interested in using CBD oil, but aren’t sure of how to absorb CBD? There are a variety of ways to do so, most of which we’re going to discuss in this article.

What’s the best way to use CBD oil? Here are 6 ways to consider!

1. Vaporizing

One of the most popular ways to take CBD oil is by vaporizing it. A vaporizer is a device which transforms the CBD oil into a smoke-able vapor, allowing you to inhale it into your lungs.

Also known as vaping, vaporizing is popular for a variety of reasons. Exceedingly simple to do, you simply inhale the CBD vapor into your lungs and blow it out. One vaporizer will hold enough oil so that you can inhale and exhale a number of times without adding additional oil.

This is the most efficient way to take CBD. When you inhale CBD into your lungs, the vast majority of it enters your bloodstream almost immediately. This allows for quick and cost-effective results that surpass all other ingestion methods.

If you’re an adult, and you don’t mind smoking, this is a terrific method to utilize. If you’re giving CBD to a child or a pet, you should utilize other methods.

2. Imbibing it Directly

If you wish, you can simply swallow CBD oil as it is. This is a very quick method of ingestion that works terrifically for adults and children alike. It can also work for pets if you wish to give them CBD oil.

When CBD is swallowed, it is digested and eventually metabolized in the liver. In this sense, it works in the same way that other supplements and vitamins work.

While imbibing CBD oil directly is not quite as efficient as vaporizing it, it’s still more than efficient enough to get the job done. It might take a little longer to produce results, and it might require the use of more oil, but it will eventually work its magic.

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CBD oil is available in a number of forms, from liquid, to capsules, to gummy tablets, and more. If you’re looking to ingest it orally, you won’t have much of a problem doing so.

3. Holding it Under the Tongue

You can also ingest CBD oil by holding it under the tongue. This is known as sublingual absorption, and it is a highly effective method of taking CBD.

When you utilize this method, the mucous membranes absorb the oil almost immediately. This allows it to enter the bloodstream very quickly, setting the effects in motion in a rapid manner.

Generally, when utilizing this method, you should hold the oil under your tongue for around one and a half minutes. This is typically enough time for the substance to absorb into your bloodstream. After that time has passed, you can swallow the remaining oil. It will be digested and will offer further results in a few minutes.

4. Rubbing it on the Skin

If you’re not interested in taking CBD oil orally, you can simply absorb it through your skin. While this method of application doesn’t produce all of the same results offered by oral ingestion, it still offers some valuable pain relief.

When CBD oil is rubbed into the skin, it affects only the top layer of skin cells. So, while it won’t do a lot for your mental health, it will do a great deal for your physical well-being.

There are a number of benefits of rubbing CBD oil into your skin. It can reduce inflammation, counteract moisturize chronically dry skin, kill bacterial infections, and reduce overall pain and discomfort.

If you’re interested in taking CBD oil in this manner, there are a variety of substances you can use. Not only can you do this with natural CBD oil, but with CBD oil-laden creams, shampoos, conditioners, sprays, and lotions.

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5. Mixing it in Food

As was noted above, one of the best ways to take CBD oil is by ingesting it orally. While swallowing it in its purest state is effective, you can also combine it with specific foods in order to make it more simple to ingest.

There is an endless list of foods to which CBD oil can be added. Like popcorn? You can mix some CBD oil in with butter and spread it over your popcorn.

Perhaps you have a thing for pasta? You can infuse CBD oil with sauce to give your pasta some CBD benefits.

You can even absorb CBD through your breakfast cereal, mixing it in with the milk at the bottom of your bowl.

If you’re not keen to the taste of CBD oil, or if you’re trying to give it to your kids, mixing it in with food is one of the best options. You won’t even be able to taste it.

6. Mixing it in Beverages

Not only can you mix CBD oil with food, but with beverages as well. This is a wise choice if you’re trying to give CBD to kids or pets, as the beverage will leave the CBD essentially tasteless.

There is no beverage that can’t be mixed with CBD. Milk, water, orange juice, pop, smoothies, milkshakes, and a variety of other liquids can be successfully used to consume CBD.

What is the Best Way to Use CBD Oil?

What do you think is the best way to use CBD oil?

Do you like swallowing it as is? Perhaps you like mixing it with food or beverages? Maybe you’re more into vaporizing it?

Regardless of how you like to ingest your CBD oil, our website could be of great use to you. It’s filled with useful information about CBD, from tips to reviews, and much more.

Take a look at some of our other CBD-related articles now!