Electronic Smokeless cigarette buying guide 2016

What’s the best electronic smokeless cigarette starter kit brand? This is a good question for those who are just getting acquainted with vapor smoking. There are plenty of different e-cigarette brands: Green Smoke, Apollo ECigs, Volcano e Cig, Blu Cig, V2 Cigs, Provari, Smokeless Image. It can be difficult to decide which electronic smokeless cigarette (e-cigarette, e-cig) brand to choose because each online e-cigarette store assures that they sell the best electronic smokeless cigarettes on the market. Read my recommendations for choosing an electronic smokeless cigarette brand.

How does the electronic smokeless cigarette work?

Most electronic smokeless cigarettes work the same way; a battery powers an atomizer which produces “smoke” (heated vapor, flavoring, nicotine and other substances) which is inhaled by the smoker.


The design of the electronic cigarette is often the main principle of the first purchase. Many people that want an e-cigarette want it to look like a traditional tobacco cigarette-they want a graceful, slim cigarette with interesting decorative details. There are many such models on the market, but with specific pros and cons to each. Generally though, the thinner and smaller the electronic cigarette the less battery capacity it has, in this case you will recharge the battery often. I recommend buying the electronic smokeless cigarette kit with two 2 batteries, so you can continue to use one in the device while the other recharges.

2 or 3 piece electronic smokeless cigarette

Every electronic cigarette consists of three elements: The battery, atomizer and cartridge. There are some models which only consist of two parts – the battery and cartomizer. These components actually have all of the same elements of the three-piece electronic smokeless cigarette since the cartomizer is a device which combines the cartridge and atomizer in one unit.

3 piece electronic smokeless cigarette (e-cig, e-cigarette)

With a 3-piece electronic smokeless cigarette you can refill the cartridges with e-liquid (smoke juice), so you can save money on buying new cartridges. You should buy a new atomizer after several months to ensure that it produces the maximum amount of vapor.

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2 piece electronic smokeless cigarette (e-cig, e-cigarette)

The 2-piece electronic smokeless cigarette is easy to use and it consists of only 2 pieces: The cartomizer and battery. Since each cartridge comes with a fresh and clean atomizer built in, it runs cleaner and you get more vapor on each puff.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee and Warranty

Most e-cigarette companies offer a 30 day money back guarantee. If the e-cigarette doesn’t work for you, you can get your money back. The warranty covers the atomizer, batteries, charger and some electronic cigarette accessories. The warranty length depends on the brand.

Automatic or manual battery

Electronic cigarettes can have either an automatic or manual battery. Those E-cigarettes with an automatic battery turn on when the smoker inhales and turns off after that. Models with a manual battery have a power button on the body, which turns it on and off.


If you feel only a small amount of vapor, or do not feel any vapor coming out at all, it means that your battery is fully discharged. First you should check that the battery is screwed into atomizer properly. Also, check the cartridge and make sure there is no need to replace it. As stated above, I recommend buying an electronic smokeless cigarette kit with two 2 batteries, so you can continue to use one in the device, while other recharges.


What is the best electronic smokeless cigarette flavor? All electronic cigarette companies offer tobacco and menthol flavors as they’re the most popular. Also you can try Cherry, Pineapple, Coffee, Chocolate, Vanilla, Clove, Coca Cola, Apple, Strawberry and other flavors.

Vapor Volume

Vapor volume is one of the most important of all e-cigarette performance parameters; the more vapor the atomizer produces, the better.

Refilling electronic smokeless cigarette cartridges

You can refill cartridges with any e-liquid (level of nicotine and flavor does not matter). If you plan to refill the cartridges, then I recommend you purchase a 3-piece electronic smokeless cigarette.

Nicotine Levels

Cartridges have different levels of nicotine. The range of levels of nicotine starts from 0 to 18 mg, some having more. Each level is designed according to real cigarettes in the following order:

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High (HI):18 mg nicotine cartridge is approximately the same as traditional cigarette.

Medium (MED): 14 mg of nicotine, about the same as in light cigarettes.

Low (LOW): 11 mg of nicotine, about the same as super light.

Zero (NO): 0 mg of nicotine

LED Light

The LED light is located on the tip of the e-cigarette which simulates a burning flame and smoldering cigarette, which helps to experience the feeling as similar to those when you’re smoking a conventional cigarette. Depending on the brand and modifications there may be different LED colors, such as red, blue, white, green, purple, orange.

Most electronic smokeless cigarettes have a red LED light on the end that glows while taking a drag on the device to more accurately simulate smoking. Some manufacturers offer other tip colors such as blue. You may want to take consideration of this LED color as some bars do not want to confuse those who are using a smokeless e-cigarette device with other people that are lighting up a real cigarette

Stylish electronic smokeless cigarettes for women

Many women want their electronic smokeless cigarette to look attractive and elegant. Quite often, manufacturers provide e-cigarettes original color solutions for their product; for example, glamorous pink or red colors. It looks quirky and always attracts attention.


Price can tell a lot about the quality of an e-cigarette. If you are going to buy an electronic cigarette, the better models usually cost more than $50. This is a typical price for a smokeless cigarette starter kit. Periodically you will have to buy new cartridges or atomizers (for 3-piece e-cigarette).

Coupon codes

Don’t forget to use a coupon code to get discount when buying an electronic smokeless cigarette. You can find coupon codes on the review pages of each e-cigarette brand on this website.

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