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E-Puffer has been around for over 7 years, providing a broad variety of various electronic, and vaporizing products. Whether you seek an electronic cigar, or e-juices, E-Puffer’s selection is nearly limitless. Their available products are always updating, providing both new and innovate e-cigarette devices, as well as juices and recommended combos. Is Epuffer good, safe online store? Read customer reviews about electronic cigarette kits and e-liquid flavors.
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They offer: MAGNUM SNAPS E-PACK kit, MAGNUM SNAPS STARTER KIT, Cosmos Professional Dry-Herb Vaporizer, PHANTOM HD3 VAPORIZER, PHANTOM HD STARTER KIT, EPUFFER X-PRO VARIABLE MOD, Cosmos Professional Dry-Herb Vaporizer, ECIGAR D-500 DISPOSABLE, ECIG Vaporizer OHM-VOLT Reader, ELECTRONIC PIPE 605 REV-2 KIT, cartomizers, batteries, chargers, USB Battery Charger, Lanyards, Solar Chargers, Adapters, cigarette holders, travel cases.

With both Magnum and Nano e-cigarette starter kits, accessories, and liquids, this is definitely a one-shop stop for anyone serious about trying out or enhancing their experience with electronic-cigarette and vaporizer based products. Cartridges for both the Magnum and Nano are sold through E-Puffer, and E-Puffer even provides disposable e-cigarettes for those just seeking a temporary, or one-time use. Each comes with a rechargeable battery in most cases, and E-Puffer in particular happens to have some especially respectable levels of guarantee, warranty, and return programs.

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E-Puffer back’s it’s Magnum product selection by offering individual and paired electronic cigarette packages, and even an electronic cigarette carton- meant for recharging your cigarettes. Some Magnum packages include the aforementioned charging case (cigarette box form), three juice flavors to choose from, and every kind of USB charger you could possibly need – from wall chargers, car charges, and even USB to PC chargers.

Nano products and packages available from E-Puffer are especially unique as they come in various colors, styles, and can be sold either individually or in a pack. Recharge juices are also available in various popular – and new – flavors.

Phantom HD3 Video Review

With a pass-through charging feature and a 1100mAh Battery, the Phantom HD3 Vapouriser is a very competitive, multi-use (3 function) product.
Thanks to it’s high-powered battery, frequent use can be successfully achieved throughout an entire day before having to recharge your device.
Whether you wish to vape herbs, e-liquids, or juices, the Phantom HD3 does it all.

The Phantom HD3 is reported to produce good-sized vape-clouds, and fairly strong, desirable, and tasty throat-hits when adjusted accordingly.
The process of filling up the Phantom HD3 Vapouriser with e-liquid and changing the atomizer are made-simple, and this leads to an overall more positive experience with customers and vape enthusiasts.

Built from durable plastic, rubber, and metal the Phantom HD3 Vapouriser is reported to last a long time through regular use – up to years of daily use.
Customers really like the design and air-flow capacity of the Phantom HD3 Vapourizer because additional air-holes at the bottom of the atomizer provide both ventilation for the product of itself, as well as burnt off or unwanted chemicals accumulated through the vaping process.

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The Phantom HD3 Vapourizer is definitely a very desirable beginners device, doesn’t require much if any setting modifications, and is practically ready to use out of the box – just make sure to charge er’ up before your first use to get the most out of your battery-life, and experience.

E-Puffer is especially popular among it’s more “mature” audience as it also offers a variety of electronic cigars. These e-cigars are designed with quite the material sophistication, are durable, and come in at least three models; the 900, 650, or disposable version. Each option allows the buyer to purchase and try out a starter kit – to see if electronic cigars are what a customer needs or prefers over other popular e-cigarette and vaporizing products.

From Cotton Candy to Menthol, all the way to Sangria flavored e-juices, E-Puffer definitely has a unique variety of various e-juices to try out, and combine with one another.

E-Puffer is a nice, informative site as even within their e-juice section they have a variety of FAQ’s for both the new and conditioned vaporizers. Instructions and recommendations for product (watts, volts) usage, vape cloud efficiency, and e-juice combinations are all discussed openly and provided as advice to it’s customers.

From Marble pipes to various design and flavored e-cigars, E-Puffer really provides a nice selection of NEW, exciting vaporizing and e-cigarette products.

E-Cigar model 900 or 650 products are available in full-custom kits. Ranging from charges, to back-up juices, all the way to extra cartridges.

Cocktail and Variety Shisha are some of the most popular e-cigar flavors, and customers have reported these to be some of these most flavorful, yet not overbearing flavored juices and cartridges available for this new, trending product.

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