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People choose Madvapes because they produce and sell very affordable atomizer and vaporizer products; ranging from juices all the way to accessories. Is legit, safe, good online store? Read customer reviews about shipping speed, quality of e-cigarette kits, e-liquid flavors.

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Madvapes best e-liquid flavors review

Although made in China, their juices are of fairly premium quality, but are highly recommended (by many) to allow to ‘steep’ for a week or so before use.

Consumers have said that the Cotton Candy Madvapes flavor is a great tasting flavor for vaping all by itself! Feedback on Newport, 555, Mad 4, and pound-cake flavors are also all awesome, indicating a mouthful of flavorful bursts that are very tasty, have a good initial and after taste, and are great for use with an atomizer!

While there’s been mixed reviews on the Cherry Tobacco flavor, users have said that it’s not impossible to use or enjoy it; if ‘cut’ with other flavors or just used as a 5-10 dropper in addition to other vape juices or as the primary flavor.


Caramel has received wonderful feedback for being bold, yet candy-like in taste and purpose for atomizing. Customers have likewise gone crazy for the watermelon flavor, and again have just reemphasized that when using Madvapes vape juices to give it some time to ‘steep’ or balance itself out—as some have even reported an initial ‘soapy’ taste, so there’s no need to vape it all in on the first few pulls, regardless of which flavored vape juice you order from Madvapes. In other words, don’t be afraid to let the atomizer clear out the first few vapes, to get it going and take any chemical taste off the top.

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Lastly, Spearmint and Root Beer are also definitely noteworthy flavors that have received a lot of good feedback and have been vaped daily without any feeling of redundancy or lack of appeal in taste and flavor.

Root Beer, Blueberry, Cherry Limeade, Cotton Candy, and Green Apple flavor impressions video youtube

Another MadVapes Juice flavors video review

Madvapes Innokin Coolfire 4 Plus e-cig Box Mod review


The Innokin Coolfire IV Plus is a much modernized, new box-mod with long lasting 3300mAh battery and Bright OLED Screen for vaporizing that truly puts you in control of your vaping experience. From how many watts to how much voltage you want to apply when vaping, 0.1 voltage increments, 6.0-70.0 Watts in 0.5 watts increments for your convenience and total-control!

Consumers whom have been vaping for quite some time leave good feedback regarding the size and fit of this box mod in your hands, that’s it’s comfortable, convenient to hold and use, and gives consistent sized pulls each time you vape.

The Innokin Coolfire IV Plus 70W stands out from the competition because it’s so customized, all the way down to a ‘puff counter’. Likewise, the Innokin Coolfire IV Plus is smart, in that it will not let you over-use the device is the power source is too low, the vape juice is running out, or there is a potential for overcharging. These are all awesome features that consumers love, and overall contribute to the consistent satisfaction in usage—but also user (and newbie) friendly experience for vape-fans.

To top it all off you can vape while your Innokin Coolfire IV Plus charges. The Coolfire will even you when the power is low and other functions need attention via LED lights and includes a conveniently placed power-switch on the bottom of the device!

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Madvapes shipping review

Madvapes guarantees to ship orders to correspond with whichever mail courier you choose, and also allows for expedited shipping at your discretion. This however, should not be confused with the reality that processing orders on Madvapes end, dependent upon weekday, weekend, or holiday, can vary between 24-72 hours.

Although there has been a substantial amount of positive feedback regarding Madvapes shipping and receiving times, there have also been a few, minuscule negative reviews as well—especially in reference to their customer service etiquette. We’re unsure if these are old members whom are unsatisfied with the e-cig company merge, are genuinely experiencing such problems, or if they’re new customers or someone else making invalid reviews.

None the less, Madvapes reputation for swift shipping and handling seems to, at minimum, shifted and perhaps has not been on top of their game as of late 2015 into the New Year. Regardless, a lot of great feedback for their juices continue to roll in to-date flawlessly!

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