Boreas RTA review. Best RTA for clouds and flavor

The Boreas by Augvape is a 25mm RTA with 8ml of capacity. The first thing that hits you is the clean and simple design of this tank. Sleek and understated, it’s a large tank but not as large as you would expect for the generous juice capacity. There are no embellishments or logos, the only notable design features being the slightly proud combined airflow control / juice flow control ring and small indents up top to assist with cap removal for filling. The drip tip is comfortable and sturdy thick-walled black Delrin, standard 510 size.


Best Rebuildable Tank Atomizer for clouds and flavor

Airflow comes in directly at the sides of the coils RDA-style on the spacious 17mm deck via 1 to 4 holes. At fully open airflow and juice flow are both plentiful, making big lung hits smooth and quiet (it passed the sleeping girlfriend test) whilst dry hits are extremely hard to come by. O-rings on the AFC/JFC are smooth and have just the right amount of resistance. Spares are included as well as a replacement glass. Two separate decks come with the Boreas, one with 2mm juice flow holes, the other with 2.5mm. Running dual 3mm clapton coils with max VG juice on the smaller flow deck, the vapor is full and saturated and not a hint of dryness even at over 100W. The 2.5mm flow deck can keep up with almost any build and wattage you can throw at it. Since the juice flows up from the floor of the deck, wicking is dead easy. Simply leave your wicks a little long and tuck them down onto the base of the deck. No channels, rings or special positioning to worry about. Way too little cotton or overly thin juice does present a leaking problem on this tank though as in my experience it tends to over wick rather than under wick. Having said that, spit-back is very minimal, almost not noticeable.

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The deck is a joy to build on with the tried and true velocity-style posts with enough space for high-mass coils. Grub screws are a weak point though, make sure to use a well-fitting hex tool to avoid any issues. The deck piece is easy to remove and does not require draining of the tank. Simply turn the tank upside down, unscrew the bottom piece and the deck pulls right out. As the 510 pin is part of the deck itself, it can be attached to a mod separate of the tank for building, dry-burning and wicking. A notable benefit of having 2 decks is being able to have one pre-built and wicked ready for a quick change, as well as using one for a standard build and one for an exotic build. Small leaks when filling are avoided by closing the AFC/JFC beforehand and holding the tank upside when reopening.

Here’s the best part of this tank though – the flavor! Of course taste is subjective but personally, this tank matches or exceeds the flavor of any other tank or even RDA I own. Complex juices shine with nuances not noticed in other atomisers and the ability to pick out individual flavors is amazing – completely going against the conventional wisdom of big tanks being lacking in this area. Vapor production does not disappoint.


Overall I couldn’t be happier with this tank. Pair it up with a chunky mod like a RX200 and you’ve got vapor and flavor for days. An underrated tank which I highly recommend!

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