Smoktech Telescope apv tube mod review (battery life, vapor)

Smoktech Telescope apv tube mod

Smoktech has delivered us a number of E-Cigarette related products over the years. Now the product of concern is Smoktech Telescope. This product is extremely light and slim. It is low on weight besides being a stainless steel product. The grip is very nice and in terms of flimsiness, there were none. The users complained about the lack of vent holes and the one I bought had no vent holes in it. The bottom of the device feels great with a nice lock ring. When you try to get it on, be sure to put a little bit of effort into it though.

There are few blemishes which come to mind when using this product. First is that it is low on vent holes. The safety is greatly compromised here. The E-Cig is air tight and should a battery fails due to bad chemistry, there is no safety and people, it will turn into a bomb. It has no hot spring into it. So that is one major safety issue. The product has beveled top. To match it the bottom part could have been beveled shape. Just for the looks and also for better handling. The lock ring could have used a bit of knurling. The people mentioned about single channel battery of 18650 but actually you can insert many batteries in it. The vaping experience would be nice because the design ensures you get a nice vape for you. The insertion of the battery tends to keep the threads exposed and it gradually lets the bottom cap be loose. The gap never closes after a while. So it is also a manufacturing flow.

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Vapers reported that they don’t satisfied with the product to a large extent because the ventilation problems seem to have increased and we cannot dwindle on a major safety issue. Let alone all these things the threads were promised to be ventilation friendly but they are not keeping the promise.




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