What are the dangers of smoking?


Much has been written on the dangers of smoking. However, the concern of scientists and doctors due to the spread of this addiction grows, as yet a significant number of people did not believe smoking is harmful to health. Smoking – not a harmless activity which can be stopped without effort. This is a real addiction, and the more dangerous that many do not take seriously.

Nicotine – one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin. Birds (sparrows, pigeons) are killed when their beaks just bring a glass rod moistened with nicotine. Rabbit killed by a quarter drop of nicotine, the dog – 1 / 2 drop. For a man a lethal dose of nicotine from 50 to 100 mg, or 2-3 drops. This is precisely the dose received on a daily basis in the blood after smoking 20-25 cigarettes (one cigarette contains about 6-8 mg of nicotine, of which 3-4 mg into the blood stream). A smoker does not die because the dose is administered gradually, not in one go. In addition, some nicotine neutralizes formaldehyde – another poison contained in tobacco. For 30 years, a smoker smokes approximately 20,000 cigarettes, or 160 kg of tobacco, consuming an average of 800 g of nicotine.

Systematic absorption of small, non-lethal dose of nicotine is a habit, addiction to smoking. Nicotine is included in the metabolic processes occurring in the human body, and it becomes necessary. However, if a non-smoker at one time will receive a large dose of nicotine, death can occur. Such cases were observed in different countries. Russian scientists close-pharmacologist N.P. Krafkov described the death of a young man after he had smoked a big cigar for the first time. In France, in Nice, in the end of the contest “Who’s more smoke,” two “winners”, smoked 60 cigarettes, died, and the other participants with severe poisoning were admitted to hospital. In England, a case of when the long-term smoking 40-year-old man at night, during the heavy work he smoked 14 cigars and 40 cigarettes. In the morning he fell ill, and in spite of medical assistance, he died.

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Smoke-filled living in areas more and more children suffer from respiratory diseases. Children of smoking parents in the first year of life increases the frequency of bronchitis and pneumonia and increased risk of developing serious illnesses. Cigarette smoke prevents absorption of vitamin D from sunlight, which is important for a growing child, effects the metabolism, prevents the absorption of sugar and destroys vitamin C, essential to child during growth. At the age of 5-9 years the child will have disturbed lung function. As a consequence, a reduction in capacity for physical activity requiring stamina and stress.

Having surveyed more than two thousand children living in families in 1820, Professor S.M. Gavalov found that in homes where smoking among children, especially at an early age, there are frequent acute pneumonia and acute respiratory infections. In families where there was no smoke, the children were healthy. Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, are prone to seizures. They are significantly more likely to become ill with epilepsy.

Children born to smoking mothers are falling behind their peers in cognitive development. So, scientists GDR B. Blumberg and H. Gibalo the examination of 17 000 children identified gap in reading, writing, as well as in growth. Markedly increased the number of allergic diseases. Soviet and foreign scientists found that nicotine has an allergenic action due to the dry particles of tobacco smoke. They contribute to the development of many allergic diseases in children, and the smaller the child, the more damage it causes the body to cigarette smoke.

Smoking teens, primarily affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In 12-15 years they have been complaining of shortness of breath on exertion. After years of observing a French doctor Dekalzne 100 years ago came to believe that even small children smoking causes anemia, digestive disorders. Smoking negatively affects academic performance student. Increases the number of underachieving in those classes where there are more smokers. Smoking slows down their school’s physical and mental development.

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Health, undermined by smoking, can not choose an occupation for the soul, to be successful (for example, the young men to become pilots, astronauts, athletes and girls – dancers, singers, etc.). Smoking and pupil are incompatible. School years – the years of growth, both physical and mental. The body needs a lot of strength to cope with all loads. As you know, skills, habits learned at school age, the most durable. This applies not only to be useful, but to bad habits. The earlier children, teens, boys, girls learn about smoking and start smoking, the more quickly get used to it, and in the future to stop smoking will be very difficult.

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