Intro to Vaporization: How to Properly Use a Dry Herb Vape Pen
Intro to Vaporization: How to Properly Use a Dry Herb Vape Pen

Intro to Vaporization: How to Properly Use a Dry Herb Vape Pen

1 in 7 American adults reported using marijuana in 2017 – and that number is expected to continue rising. The benefits of cannabis are more widely known and better understood than ever before. More people see cannabis as a legitimate…

Smoke Photography Basics: How to take the Perfect Vape Selfie
Smoke Photography Basics: How to take the Perfect Vape Selfie

Smoke Photography Basics: How to take the Perfect Vape Selfie

Approximately 9 million Americans currently vape on a regular basis. Are you part of this group? Whether you’re new to vaping or are a seasoned pro, have you ever thought about sharing vape photos on social media? Vape photography gives you…

What is a Cannabis Concentrate? Everything You Need to Know
What is a Cannabis Concentrate? Everything You Need to Know

What is a Cannabis Concentrate? Everything You Need to Know

Containing over 400 chemical entities, the cannabis plant is a complex plant species with both medicinal and therapeutic benefits. For 1000s of years, human beings have been cultivating cannabis. But it’s only recently we’ve developed extraction methods that reduce all the most beneficial…